Sunday, February 05, 2012

Oh dear . . .

Seemed to have reinvented the work of joseph kossuth

back to the drawing board - literally . . . .

later . . .  . brings me back to access and self justification. I haven't avoided him or his work, how should I have heard of him? what I come up with is based on the last thing I did.

Of course I absorb all sorts filtered down to me, it's still worthwhile to me to now make study of what has gone before, even if it deprives me of the the naiviety necessary to create. This is why I'm interested in the convergence of high culture, just how is it inaccessible, what makes it inaccessible, and how popular culture can involve both folk art and the products of an industrialized entertainment industry. What hope for the individual or small collective. and yet without a level of direct engagement any artistic production is opaque and perhaps meaningless to the majority ? I'm lacking the vocabulary to even begin to find out if I have any talent.

How can what I do - be fo interest to anyone else.

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